11 Stomach Acid Reflux Herbal Remedies and Foods to Help Control the Pain – TrendyNewsReporters

11 Stomach Acid Reflux Herbal Remedies and Foods to Help Control the Pain


According to Medical News Today – There are various diseases that you can feel due to excessive stomach acid, ranging from ulcers to gastric acid reflux such as GERD. To treat it, there are various stomach acid medications that can be bought at the pharmacy. But you can also try various herbal stomach acid remedies made from natural ingredients.

Various herbal medicines for stomach acid

There are several reasons why people turn to herbal remedies. Some really want to avoid or limit exposure to chemicals, some feel that their symptoms do not improve with the consumption of conventional medicines so they want to try herbal medicines.

If you have received the green light from your doctor to use natural ingredients, let’s look at a selection of herbal stomach acid remedies below:

Ginger is recognised as one of the herbal remedies for stomach acid because it nourishes the digestive system and can prevent inflammation in the organs. To treat acid reflux, chew a piece of ginger or juice it.

If you want an even easier way, just put the ginger pieces in warm water, and wait for the ginger juice to come out into ginger water that is delicious and comfortable to swallow.

Remember not to consume too much ginger because if you consume more than 5 grams a day, ginger will worsen your acid reflux condition.

2. Turmeric

One of the benefits of turmeric as an acid reflux herbal remedy is to help protect the mucosal cells in the oesophagus from damage due to the rise of stomach acid. This is a benefit derived from the anti-inflammatory properties of the compound curcumin.

Turmeric also contains the bioactive compound curcumin which is thought to have beneficial effects on the digestive system.

Turmeric can be used in many different ways. You can mix turmeric powder into food or brew it with warm water to drink directly.

If you find it difficult to consume turmeric directly, then turmeric in the form of herbal supplements can be an option.

But keep in mind that scientific evidence regarding the benefits of turmeric as a natural stomach remedy is still limited, so you still need to be careful in consuming it.

3. Apple cider vinegar

A widely used herbal stomach acid remedy is apple cider vinegar.

For some people, reflux may occur due to a lack of stomach acid production. Proponents of apple cider vinegar as a stomach acid herbal remedy claim that apple cider vinegar may be beneficial because it adds more acid to the digestive tract.

A lot of anecdotal evidence claims that apple cider vinegar can help relieve acid reflux in people with mild conditions and not taking medication.

However, research regarding claims of apple cider vinegar’s effectiveness as an herbal acid reflux remedy is still very limited. In fact, there is no scientific research to support such claims.

4. Aloe vera juice

Aloe vera has soothing and cooling properties that can relieve inflammation. Many believe that this calming effect is also beneficial for acid reflux conditions.

Besides having proven anti-inflammatory properties, aloe vera juice can improve the function of the digestive organs and remove toxins from the body. Therefore, aloe vera juice is claimed to be one of the effective herbal remedies for stomach acid.

Launching from Healthline, recent research shows that aloe vera juice, which has been decolourised and purified, can be a safe and effective remedy to reduce the symptoms of acid reflux.

The researchers concluded that aloe vera works to relieve stomach acid by reducing acid production and acting as an anti-inflammatory agent.

However, undecoloured aloe vera juice contains anthraquinones that can cause diarrhoea. Therefore, proper care must be taken so that the benefits of aloe vera juice for stomach acid can be obtained as expected.

The use of aloe vera as a stomach acid remedy should not be done by pregnant women because it can increase the risk of miscarriage. Some people may also not be able to tolerate some forms of aloe vera and experience side effects.

5. Banana

Every food has a different level of acidity (pH). Foods with a low pH that are acidic are more likely to cause acid reflux than foods with a high pH that are alkaline. Alkaline foods can help offset stomach acid, which has a stronger acidic nature.

Bananas are one of the alkaline foods that can be consumed to help neutralise stomach acid. An increase in pH in the digestive tract can ultimately alleviate the symptoms of discomfort due to rising stomach acid.

Bananas are just one of the fruits that are good for stomach acid. Apples, pears, watermelon, and papaya can also help neutralise stomach acid.

6. Carrots

Just like bananas, carrots are also an alkaline food that can help neutralise stomach acid.

Consuming carrot juice when GERD symptoms are flaring up may not help resolve acid reflux quickly or completely. However, carrot juice is a safe option to get nutritional intake for the body without triggering GERD and can gradually alleviate GERD symptoms.

7. Cinnamon

Cinnamon can act as a natural antacid to treat acidity in the stomach and can have a calming effect on the stomach, by improving the digestive process. This is because cinnamon contains various nutrients and components that can overcome stomach acid naturally.

But remember, consult a doctor before consuming cinnamon as a natural stomach acid remedy. This is done to prevent any side effects.

8. Slippery elm

Slippery elm is a tree native to North America whose inner bark has long been utilised as a natural remedy. It contains mucilage that can help in reducing inflammation in the digestive tract. With this, slippery elm can be an effective herbal remedy for acid reflux.

Slippery elm is available in various forms, ranging from capsules, powders, and lozenges. However, not all products have the same usage method. So make sure you read the instructions on the packaging before taking it. If you are unsure of the dosage, consult your doctor.

It is important to note that slippery elm may slow down the absorption of certain nutrients or medications. Therefore, you should not take supplements or medications within two hours of consuming this plant.  

9. Chamomile

The chamomile plant has long been used as an herbal remedy to treat various diseases, one of which is acid reflux. The anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial content in it is considered to relieve discomfort in the oesophagus (oesophagus).

Chamomile can also help in alleviating stress. As is known, stress is a condition that often triggers an increase in stomach acid. By regularly drinking chamomile tea, stress levels can decrease, thus controlling the symptoms of GERD.

Even so, there are still conditions that you fulfil. For example, it is not recommended to drink chamomile tea if you are taking anticoagulant medications (such as warfarin). Pregnant and breastfeeding mums also need to consult their doctor before consuming chamomile in any form.

10. Licorice

Licorice, also known as liquorice, can be one of the safe natural stomach acid remedies.

Licorice is available in many forms, from tea, lozenges, and more. You may be confused as to which one to choose.

However, deglycyrrhizinated licorice (DGL) is the form that is more recommended by medical practitioners. This is because DGL can be taken long-term and has fewer drug interactions.

DGL works by increasing mucus production, thus protecting the stomach and oesophagus from stomach acid.

11. Marshmallow plant root (Althaea)

Marshmallows here are not the fluffy white treats often sold in shops but the root of the marshmallow plant from which the product originated. In ancient times, marshmallow treats were made from the plant of the same name. Extracts from the root of this plant can be an alternative medicine for your acid reflux.

Part of the power of marshmallow root lies in the mucilage it contains. To relieve the symptoms of acid reflux, you can consume 2-5 military marshmallow extract in liquid form three times a day.

It should be noted that marshmallow root can cause stomach discomfort and dizziness. So consume it gradually and start from the lowest dose to reduce the risk of side effects.

Also, make sure you have your doctor’s permission to take this herbal remedy for acid reflux. This ingredient may interact with lithium and diabetes medications.

Therefore, diabetics are not advised to use marshmallow root. The same goes for those of you who are pregnant and breastfeeding, and will undergo surgery in the near future.

Tips to prevent acid reflux

You also need to make lifestyle changes to manage acid reflux. Without these improvements, the herbal remedies for acid reflux that you take will be useless.

Here is a list of lifestyle changes you can make:

Avoid eating foods that cause acid reflux;

Keep your body weight within the ideal range;

Eat slowly;

Do not lie down immediately after eating;

Raise the position of the head when sleeping lying down so that it is higher than the stomach;

Sleep on your left side

Avoid tight clothing in the abdomen;

Stop smoking;

Reduce stress.

With the right treatment and lifestyle changes, the symptoms of acid reflux will be easier to control. Always remember to consult a doctor first before taking acid reflux herbal remedies.

The doctor will help you determine the type of herbal medicine for acid reflux that is suitable for you. The reason is, herbal medicines may interact with other drugs that you are currently using.

Content created and supplied by: Trendyhealth (via Opera

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