4 Signs That May Indicate You Have Cancer. – TrendyNewsReporters

4 Signs That May Indicate You Have Cancer.


Cancer occurs due to the growth or development of abnormal cells without control. Cancer can develop in your lungs, kidney, colon, mouth, and tongue, to mention a few.

According to VeryWellHealth, some of the signs that show you have cancer are:

1. Growth or Sore on the Male Organ

A sore or lesion on the male organ may be an indication of penile cancer. Cancer of the male organ is often triggered by the human papillomavirus, though by different strains than those which lead to genital warts.

2. Blood in the Urine

Bladder cancer is the eighth most common cause of cancer-linked deaths in men, and the first indication is often blood in the urine. There are certainly other triggers of bloody urine or even pink-tinged urine, but all should be checked out.

The most common causes are smoking and being exposed to occupational chemicals, but as with other cancers, most people develop the disease despite having no obvious risk factors. Blood in the urine may also show that you have kidney cancer.

3. Difficulty Urinating

Prostate cancer is the second most frequent cancer diagnosis made in men and the fifth leading trigger of death globally. Pain or difficulty with peeing is often a sign. This may include having a weak urine stream or passing out urine often at night. ​

4. Chronic Cough

The most common symptom of lung cancer in men is a serious cough, often explained as a cough that just won’t go away. A cough is more likely to be linked to lung cancer if you have a history of smoking or exposure to industrial substances like radon, asbestos, or diesel fuel. That being said, lung cancer can also happen in non-smokers and people who have not been exposed to these substances.

Content created and supplied by: Healthox (via Opera



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