5 Common Foods That Can Cause Cancer
Cancer is a very complicated illness.
While there are many unknowns surrounding cancer, we do know that many different things can play a role in causing it.
According to WebMD website, DNA and family history are important factors. However, external factors, such as your living habits, over which you may have some influence, play an even more significant role.
A diet is one of the most crucial aspects of your healthy existence. That’s because numerous studies have linked specific meals to an increased risk of cancer.
Diet and lifestyle choices account for the vast majority of cases of chronic disease. Here are five common foods that have been linked to an increased risk of cancer.
1.Fried meals
Fried chicken, chips, fries, and even plantain are all fair game. Many individuals enjoy frying their food because of the way it tastes, yet it has been shown that this practice is not only unhealthy but also widely practiced.
This raises the odds of developing conditions like Type 2 diabetes or obesity, both of which are associated with elevated cancer risk due to oxidative stress and inflammation.
In light of the available evidence, it may be prudent to limit or eliminate consumption of these items altogether. But if you find yourself becoming addicted, substitute olive oil or avocado pear oil instead.
2. Cured and smoked meats
Many chronic diseases have been linked in research to eating too much processed beef. Hotdogs, salami, sausage, and other similar products are all examples of processed meats.
These meats are widely available at Nigerian fast food restaurants. Due to the processing these meats undergo, they get contaminated with carcinogenic compounds.
While it’s true that indulging in these meats once in a while won’t have any long-term negative effects on your health, you should nevertheless limit your consumption to as little as possible.
3. Overcooked food
It is possible to create cancer-causing compounds by overcooking foods, especially meats. One 2020 item relied on as a Trusted Source claims that grilling meat at high temperatures produces carcinogenic PAHs and heterocyclic amines (HCAs). The DNA in your cells could be damaged by these substances, which could increase your risk of cancer.
Overcooking is more common when using high temperatures or an open flame to cook. This ranges from:
4. Simple carbs and table sugar
Most sugary foods, according to healthline.com, are associated with an increased cancer risk in a roundabout way.
Type 2 diabetes and obesity, both of which raise the risk of oxidative stress and inflammation when consumed in large quantities, are possible outcomes of a diet heavy in these items.
Some types of cancer may develop as a result of the oxidative stress and inflammation that are caused by these factors.
5. Alcohol Consumption
Acetaldehyde, a carcinogenic chemical, is produced when alcohol is metabolized in the body.
An examination from 2017 suggests that acetaldehyde can cause oxidative stress and DNA damage. Furthermore, it hinders the immune system’s ability to destroy malignant and precancerous cells.
Source: WebMD Website
Content created and supplied by: Learnerslife (via Opera
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