EDO 2024: The Rise of a New Era – TrendyNewsReporters

EDO 2024: The Rise of a New Era

EDO 2024: The Rise of a New Era

Witness the unstoppable momentum of Senator Okpebholo, the son of a farmer, as he leads a political revolution in Edo State!

For too long, the political elites and economic power brokers from Lagos have held the future of Edo people hostage. But now, the ordinary citizens, once marginalized and oppressed by Obaseki’s outgoing administration, are rising up to take control of their destiny.

Despite the rain and sun, Edo people are gathering in massive numbers to reclaim their state from those who have exploited them for far too long. This is a movement of the people, by the people, and for the people.

Senator Okpebholo, the face of this revolution, embodies the hope and resilience of the Edo spirit. His leadership signals a new dawn for Edo State, where the voices of the marginalized are heard, and the economic opportunities are shared equitably.

Join the movement that’s sweeping across Edo State. Together, let’s rise and take back our state! A New Edo Is Indeed Rising!”

Michael Odoh

Business Development Manager        

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