Important Of Brushing Before Breakfast That Should Not Be Taken For Granted
Scientists stated that while you are asleep, plaque leading to bacteria in your mouth multiply. That’s the reason why you wake up at times with a “mossy” taste and “morning breath.”
Washing those bacteria right out with fluoride toothpaste protect your teeth of plaque and bacteria. It also coats your enamel with a supportive barrier against acid in your food.
So in this article in line with the publication on Healthline, we are going to have a look at why is better to brush your teeth before you take your breakfast.
What Are The Benefits Of Brushing Before Breakfast?
You should avoid brushing your teeth after breakfast for at least thirty minutes if you eat something acidic. Breakfast foods and drinks like citrus, toast, and coffee fit the criteria for acidic food.
When you brush your teeth first thing in the morning, you also jump-start your saliva production.
One small of 21 older adults claim that after brushing, study participants saw their saliva production jump for up to five minutes. Your saliva assists your food break down and naturally kills dangerous bacteria in your mouth.
Content created and supplied by: Olaniyi2255 (via Opera
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